It is not enough to have pages of concrete facts and pages of abstract concepts
Scrapbox can be fun if you consciously write two types of pages
concrete fact
abstract concept
Existing technical terms
Appropriate sentences that make it easy to recall the content
Because it is easy to generate unexpected links of "concrete -> abstract -> concrete" and "abstract -> concrete -> abstract" by 2-hop links.
The occurrence of unexpected and surprising links (serendipity support) is one of the advantages of Scrapbox Use it as an "engine for generating new knowledge links" rather than a "warehouse of dead texts."
But the important point is not "there are pages of concrete facts and pages of abstract concepts".
Common behavior patterns
Create pages for specific book A, book B, and book C = pages of specific facts
Tag each page as "book" = abstract concept page.
This is a poor idea in terms of "creating serendipity."
For example, when I'm looking at a page of an economics book, I'm not happy to see a suggestion for a linguistics book because it's a book.
Why is it that this pattern is not good even though "create and link concrete and abstract pages" is satisfactory?
The title of the abstract page is a tasteless "book"
The concept of an abstract page doesn't sound particularly interesting.
Are you really interested in the concept of "books"?
If you put the tag books' on each book page, you will see a list of those pages on the books' page."
Are you really going to look at that page in the future?
Too abstract of an abstract concept.
Pattern on the right side of [Do not classify.
I don't put a book tag on the entire book. I use the author's name as a link, so if you look at Shigehiko Toyama page, his books and references to him appear in the link Abstract concept page is not recognized as a "page" and is thought of as a tag, so it is an empty page
How to make the abstract concept page "good" is important, but what that "good" is has not yet been verbalized.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/具体的事実のページと抽象的概念のページがあるだけでは不足 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.